In our latest video, which takes place at the Waukee Innovation and Learning Center (WILC) in Waukee, Iowa, high school senior and Kuder Navigator® user Mary Piechowski, and her parents Steve and Becky, discuss the value of planning for a career prior to heading off to college.
For Becky Piechowski, planning for the future is an exciting, but sometimes daunting, activity for her daughter Mary, a high school senior: “The world is a big place, and at 17 years of age or 18 years of age, how do you narrow down and get a focus on potentially what they want to do for the rest of their lives?”
Becky says the Kuder assessments helped Mary narrow down her career options. While the assessments didn’t point Mary to a specific job, they helped her identify an interest in business. Becky’s dad Steve says this type of self-awareness will help Mary as she goes about selecting a college major: “It helped her narrow down [her career interests, so] we’re not wasting anyone’s time.”
Mary says that after college, she wants to enter a career she’ll enjoy. “If you don’t have an interest in what you’re doing, then there’s really no point in doing it,” she says. “If you’re interested in your work, you’ll be happy and succeed.”
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