At a time when pretty much everyone is feeling “stuck,” where public health, the economy, and modes of learning, among so many other things, are upside-down, is it even possible to assert control over our careers?

As part of our self-care series, today’s post offers up some actionable ideas and insights that just might help you shake off the blues and kickstart a take-charge attitude to propel your career forward – despite the present circumstances.

Write your own story.

Have you ever thought about your career story? According to career counseling expert and scholar Mark Savickas, research shows that “people who tell their story better are more successful in their careers.” Begin your own narrative now, using the workbook below, created by Savickas and his colleague Paul Hartung. It will guide you through a self-reflection exercise that helps identify themes, patterns, motives, and goals in your life and career.

Savickas, M. L., Hartung, P. J. (2012).
My Career Story: An autobiographical workbook for life-career success. Retrieved from


Lend a helping hand.

According to Brenda Pak, cofounder and CEO of the volunteering platform BackPac, volunteering brings her a sense of calm: “I have found that in times of uncertainty, where the ground feels unsteady, I can achieve a certain level of calm by volunteering and giving back to the community,” she said in a recent Forbes article about the benefits of volunteering. “The more I regularly volunteer, the more productive I am when I return to my routine at work and at home.”

Volunteering has the unique potential to boost your mental outlook (by giving you a sense of purpose and reducing stress) and round out your resume (by expanding your transferrable skills).

Thinking about getting out there (whether in person or virtually) and giving volunteering a try? Check out these sites:

Take care of you.

Now isn’t the time to take an isolationist approach to your career. When was the last time you checked in with your LinkedIn connections or college alumni friends? Send a few quick hellos and do some catching up. And while you’re at it, take a moment to check in on your personal health and wellbeing. Are there some tweaks you could make? The articles below offer some tips and advice.

Black woman taking notes at home table.
5 people you need in your network.

Create an inner circle of individuals whose opinions, experience, and perspective support your success.