Manage Standards

Galaxy can effectively help schools and districts meet local and state academics and standards by allowing admins to enter and align frameworks (a group or label for a set of standards) and specific standards with Galaxy grade levels, content, and “I” statements. Follow these steps to manage your standards.

Adding Academic Standard Frameworks

  1. Select “Academics” from the Navigation pane.
  2. Click “Add Framework”.
  3. Enter your Framework and click “Save”.

Adding Academic Standards

  1. Select “Academics” from the Navigation pane.
  2. Click “Add Standard”.
  3. Enter the Standard title and a description of the Standard.
  4. Select the Framework in which the Standard belongs using the “Framework” drop-down tab.
  5. Select the Activities that belong within your Standard using the “Activities” drop-down tab.
  6. Select the Games that belong within your Standard using the “Games” drop-down tab.
  7. Select the “I” Statements that belong within your Standard using the “I Statements” drop-down tab.
  8. Enter your Framework and click “Save”.

Managing Academic Standard Frameworks

  1. To edit an existing Framework, click the Edit button (pencil icon) on the right-hand side of the screen.
  2. Edit your Framework title and click “Save”.
  3. To delete an existing Framework, click the Delete button (trash can icon) on the right-hand side of the screen.

Managing Academic Standards

  1. To edit an existing Standard, click the Edit button (pencil icon) on the right-hand side of the screen.
  2. To change the Standard title or Description, click within the respective text field.
  3. To change the Framework under which the Standard falls, select the “Framework” drop-down tab.
  4. To add Activities, click within the “Activities” field. To remove Activities, click the “x” next to the Activity you wish to remove.
  5. To add Games, click within the “Games” field. To remove Games, click the “x” next to the Game you wish to remove.
  6. To add “I” Statements, click within the “I Statements” field. To remove “I” Statements, click the “x” next to the “I” Statement you wish to remove.
  7. To save any changes made, select “Save”.
  8. To delete an existing Standard, click the Delete button (trash can icon) on the right-hand side of the screen.

Manage "I" Statements

“I” Statements are the objectives or goals told from the student perspective. Within Galaxy you’ll find a standard list of developmentally appropriate career awareness goals – “I” Statements – set for each grade level. Students can check off each “I” Statement, enter notes, and upload resources to demonstrative they have achieved each objective. Teachers or counselors can monitor and track an individual student’s progress on their “I” Statements as well.

Galaxy administrators can edit, add, or change “I” Statements to meet the need of each school or district.

How to Create "I" Statements

Adding “I” Statements

  1. Select “I” Statements from the navigation pane.
  2. Upon first viewing, you will have the option to copy the pre-written Kuder “I” Statements. To do so, select “Copy Kuder “I” Statements”.
  3. To add a custom “I” Statement, select “Add “I” Statement”.
  4. Select each grade level that you would like to view your custom “I” Statement.
  5. Enter your custom “I” Statement in the text field. You must enter your custom “I” Statement for each Culture (language) option before the I Statement can be saved. To select other Cultures, click the “Cultures” drop down.
  6. Click “Save” to save your custom “I” Statement.

Managing “I” Statements

  1. To edit an existing “I” Statement, click the Edit button (pencil icon) next to the statement.
  2. To add “I” statement grade levels, click within the “Grades” field. To remove “I” Statement grade levels, click the “x” next to the grade you want to remove.
  3. To edit the “I” Statement text, select the desired Culture, click within the text field and make your changes.
  4. When finished editing, click “Save”.
  5. To delete an “I” Statement, click the Delete button (trash can image) on the right hand side of the screen.
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