School and Students Set Up

Step 1: Set Up Your Classrooms

If you’re an administrator responsible for setting up classrooms, you want to utilize the “Classrooms” feature in your admin account. This allows you to add a new classroom and associate it with an existing administrator, teacher, or counselor.

How to Add Classrooms

Setting Up Your Classrooms

  1. Select “Classrooms” from the navigation pane.
  2. Enter the classroom name (such as 5th Grade English Classroom).
  3. Select the name of the teacher or counselor associated with that classroom. The assigned teacher/counselor must have already created an administrative account before they can be assigned to a classroom.
  4. Click “Save” and do this for each classroom that will be using Galaxy at your school.

Step 2: Set Up Your Students

Now that you have your account established, it’s time to create accounts for your students. There are a few different options for adding your students to Galaxy. Select the option that best describes you.

  1. This is my first time uploading students into Galaxy.  I need to upload my complete student list (Complete).
  2. I need to add more than a few students to my existing account (Incremental).
  3. I need to add one or two students to my existing account (Manual).
How to Add Students

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