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Guiding Students to CTE Pathways

November 27, 2023
10:00 am - 10:30 am



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General Product Training

Join us to learn how students can identify your local CTE opportunities based on their assessment results! Session will include:
-How pathways are added to your Kuder system
-Students accessing local CTE opportunities

Target Audience: School Counselors, Career Coaches, and Teachers

Wondering if your Kuder system includes Pathways Links? Client Engagement can assist at www.kuder.com/help

Felicia Allen will facilitate this webinar. If you have any questions regarding this session, please contact me at allenf@kuder.com. For all other questions, please contact the Kuder Support team at 1-877-999-6227, support@kuder.com or live chat with us using the icon below.

