Holland Theory-Based Explorations

Administering Proven Career Readiness Methods

Career Exploration Rooted in Holland Theory

The Holland Theory Hexagon.

Our platforms are built upon the work of experts like John Holland, whose theory of vocational choice has been the cornerstone of career development for decades due to its long-term success.

Research-Based CCR Results

Structured Around Science

Holland’s theory states that most people correspond to a combination of six personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional (RIASEC). These six areas are known as Holland Codes, which can be ranked and utilized to explain a person’s tendencies in a work environment and with work interests.

Green Planet - Realistic

The “Doers”

Blue Planet - Investigative

The “Thinkers”

Purple Planet - Artistic

The “Creators”

Red Planet - Social

The “Helpers”

Orange Planet - Enterprising


Yellow Planet - Conventional


Holland White Paper Cover Page

Holland Theory & The Kuder System

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The Kuder assessments are among the rare online career guidance instruments that meet or exceed professional standards set forth by the American Psychological Association, the American Educational Research Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education.
Hoi Suen, Ed.D.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Education
PennState College of Education

Our Proven Career Planning Process

Kuder’s college and career readiness platforms utilize Holland theory-based career exploration to provide student users with the perfect opportunity to learn about their own interests and how they related to the world of work.

elementary students with teacher looking at a tablet with science googles on

Carter County Schools Success Story

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the economy, ESSER funds became available to offer extra financial support to districts and schools. Leaders at Carter County Schools decided to obligate a portion of their available ESSER dollars toward additional Kuder system features to enhance the overall value of their college and career readiness program.

Verified Results

4 in 5
users feel Kuder accurately identified their interests
of users transition into postsecondary education
students say Kuder gives them hope for the future
From the Blog

Additional Articles on Holland Theory

See the Results for Yourself