Explore Student Side

Navigator is tailored to the unique needs of each grade level (6-12) to help students learn about themselves, build an education plan, and prepare for options after high school.

The student dashboard features intuitive left navigation that delivers content and activities in a proven-effective career planning sequence that enables students to:

While the system is set up in this way, students are free to progress through the system’s content tabs in any order they wish. Navigator’s dashboard prominently features a clear view of students’ progress toward completion. This progression is guided by “My Next Steps,” which suggests in-system tasks appropriate for each grade level.

  1. Gain self-awareness with research-based assessments.
  2. Identify, explore, and refine a list of occupations of interest.
  3. Identify appropriate education or training based on occupations of interest.
  4. Learn the fundamentals of the job-search prep process.

Navigator’s Menu Options

Take an Assessment (Grades 6-12)

Kuder’s assessments uncover what students like to do (interests), what they’re confident doing (skills), and what’s important to them in the workplace (work values). Combined all three take 20 minutes or less to complete.

Explore Occupations (Grades 6-12)

Students can explore 1,000+ occupations plus create lists of occupations organized by assessment results, clusters and pathways, and/or title.

Explore Majors (Grades 9-12)

Students can determine which college major is right for them by exploring their options using assessment results, occupations, and by title.

Plan for Education (Grades 8-12)

Students can find out the education and/or training requirements for occupations of interest, find schools, learn about financial aid, search and apply for scholarships, and more.

Plan for Work (Grades 9-12)

Students can view and complete a sample standard job application and learn about the job interview process, including the objectives and stages of a job interview, tips on how to prepare, common questions, recommended attire, and best practices for follow-up.

Find a Job (Grades 9-12)

The system prepares students for the job search process by providing information about applications and interviews. Students can access their My Portfolio Items for additional job search tools to create resumes and cover letters and collect references as well as upload documents and build a shareable e-Profile.

My Portfolio Items

Students can build and maintain a lifelong portfolio, view their favorite career pathways, work values, occupations, schools, majors, etc., and record information in a notes tool. They can also create and edit their Ed Plans (multi-year course plans), set future goals, upload documents, and build a shareable e-Profile.

Navigator's Assessments

Kuder Career Interests Assessment® (KCIA)

The KCIA, available to users beginning in the sixth grade, is a validated assessment and is empirically aligned to the 16 National career clusters and 79 Career Pathways. It uniquely allows individuals to seamlessly explore their interests as they directly align to specific career clusters and pathways, related occupations, and sample education plans.

Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment® (KSCA)

Like the KCIA, the KSCA is a validated assessment and is empirically aligned to the 16 National career clusters and 79 Career Pathways. The KSCA measures an individual’s self-perception and confidence to do a suggested task or complete an activity. The assessment results allow users to explore suggested career clusters and pathways, occupations, and education plans.

Super’s Work Values Inventory-revised (SWVI-r)

The SWVI-r gauges the significance individuals place on 12 values in relation to job satisfaction. The assessment generates a report that ranks workplace values according to preference. Knowing what values motivate an individual and having information about how to access education programs or occupations allowing the individual to obtain those values is a vital component of job satisfaction.

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