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Using the Educator Portal of Kuder Galaxy®

April 3
9:00 am - 10:00 am


Please join us to learn how to use Galaxy with PreK – 5th grade students!

Your educator portal is designed for you to view your students, teachers and educators inside of Galaxy. You will also learn how to add all your school counseling and career coach staff to Galaxy and create classrooms within Galaxy to support your counseling small groups. Learn about your resources, sharing Galaxy with your school and using your educator portal to lead Galaxy with students.

Target Audience: School & Career Counselors, Classroom Teachers, Career Coaches, Admins, Mentors

Felicia Allen will facilitate this webinar. If you have any questions regarding this session, please contact me at allenf@kuder.com. For all other questions, please contact the Kuder team at 1-877-999-6227, support@kuder.com or live chat with us using the icon below.

